
제 26회 반도체 대전 SEDEX 2024

October 23 ~ 25 / COEX SEOUL

2024 참가업체 디렉토리


NanoCore, Inc

Booth No.C716
  • CEO정무길 /
  • ADDRESS경기 안산시 단원구 능안로 98-12 / 98-12, Neungan-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do
  • CONTACTTel. 82-031-491-6931 / Fax. 82-031-491-1581 / URL. www.nanocore.co.kr
  • 제조품목

    전도성 NCP CFRP / 고접합 NCP Plate/ 무광블랙 NCP Plate / 내염 NCP Plate / 방열 NCP Plate / 내염 NCP Bus Bar / Wirebonding용 NCP 보강판 / FPCB EMI 차폐 NCP Plate /

    conductive NCP CFRP / ultra-adhesive NCP/ Matt black NCP plate/ salt water resistant NCP plate / heat dissipation NCP / salt water resistant NCP Bus Bar / wire-bonding NCP stiffener / FPCB EMI shielding NCP

  • 회사소개

    당사는 NCP(Nano Coating Process) 공법으로 습식도금과 기능성테이프를 완벽히 대체하는 NCP plate 제품을 제공합니다. NCP는 진공 플라즈마 방식으로 고르게 증착하여 (표면편차 ±5%), 다양한 표면 기능성을(방열, 접착, 전도성, 흑화, 내염성) 얇은 두께 (최소 0.002um단위)로 제품에 구현합니다. NCP는 습식도금의 환경문제와 불균일한 표면문제를 해결하고 기능성 테이프의 두께 문제와 수율문제를 해결하여 완전히 해결합니다.

    Our company provides NCP(Nano Coating Process) plate products, which fully replace traditional wet plating and functional tapes. NCP employs vacuum plasma technology to uniformly deposit coatings onto surfaces (with a surface deviation of ±5%), enabling the implementation of various surface functionalities, including heat dissipation, adhesion, conductivity, blackening, and corrosion resistance, with a thin coating thickness starting from a minimum of 0.002 micrometers.
    NCP effectively addresses the environmental issues and uneven surface problems associated with wet plating, while also resolving the thickness and yield challenges of functional tapes.

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