
제 26회 반도체 대전 SEDEX 2024

October 23 ~ 25 / COEX SEOUL

2024 참가업체 디렉토리


Dongjin Semichem Co., Ltd.

Booth No.D015
  • CEO이부섭 / Boo Sup Lee
  • ADDRESS경기도 화성시 양감면 작은돌래길 35 / 35 Jageundolae-gil, Yanggam-myun, Hwasung-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
  • CONTACTTel. +82-31-353-6340 / Fax. +82-31-353-6481 / URL. www.dongjin.com
  • 제조품목


    - High resolution photoresists for KrF, ArF(dry, wet) and EUV

    - Multi purpose bottom ARC

    - CMP slurry

    - Thinner, Developer, Stripper, Rinsing solution, Etchants

    - Highly sensitive photoresists for TFT

    - Pigment dispersion type negative resists for LCD color filter

    - Polyimide for Flexible Display

    - Resists for OLED



    - High resolution photoresists for KrF, ArF(dry, wet) and EUV

    - Multi purpose bottom ARC

    - CMP slurry

    - Thinner, Developer, Stripper, Rinsing solution, Etchants

    - Highly sensitive photoresists for TFT

    - Pigment dispersion type negative resists for LCD color filter

    - Polyimide for Flexible Display

    - Resists for OLED


  • 회사소개

    동진쎄미켐은 1984 반도체용 봉지재 사업을 시작으로 반도체용 공정재료 사업에 뛰어들어 1989 Photoresist 국내 최초, 세계에서는 4번째로 개발에 성공하였습니다.
    이후 지속적인 연구 개발 노력으로 현재 [ArF Imm, ArF Dry, KrF, i-Line] Photoresist, BARC, SOC, CMP Slurry, Thinner 등을 국내외 고객사에 공급 중에 있습니다.
    수입에 의존하던 반도체 공정 재료의 국산화 선봉으로써 지금은 세계 선진사들과 당당히 경쟁하고 있으며, 끊임없는 신소재 개발과 반도체 공정 소재 기반기술을 확보하여 세계 최고의 한국 반도체 산업을 든든히 뒷받침하고 있습니다.


    Dongjin Semichem, having initially entered the semiconductor material production industry with semiconductor packaging materials in 1984, became the first domestic and fourth international business to develop Photoresist. Through continuous research and development, Dongjin Semichem is currently supplying Photoresist[ArF Imm, ArF Dry, KrF, i-Line], BARC, SOC, CMP Slurry, and Thinner to both domestic and foreign customers. As a leader of localizing semiconductor process materials , which used to be 100% imported, Dongjin Semichem is now proudly competing against global leaders. By continuously developing new materials and securing basic technology for semiconductor processing materials, we are firmly supporting Koreas world-class semiconductor industry.


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